Saturday, 24 January 2015

Acupuncture for sports injury- ankle


Acupuncture for sports injury, image source
Screen play writer in his 40s. Plays in a Sunday football league.


"I was a skeptic but now I’m an acupuncture convert. 

I suffered knee ligament injury as a result of a car accident. I’m a keen sportsman (I play football and compete in triathlons), the resulting ligament pain meant I could only do light training. I tried everything - I had physio, I took pain killers, I wore a knee brace; but the persistent irritation remained. After 6 years, a friend recommended I try acupuncture. I had three sessions and miraculously I’ve never had pain in that knee again. I can’t explain it. I have no idea how it worked, but it did. 

Ten years on, I rolled my ankle playing football and, despite doing endless physio, a burning pain defied everything. The reason seemed inexplicable, even an MRI failed to identify the cause. However, I finally went to see Ivy and guess what? Now, having treated it with acupuncture in conjunction with rehabilitative physio, I hope to return to playing this month. My only wish is I’d done it earlier 

I don’t know if somewhere deep inside me a skepticism remains, but I won’t make the same mistake next time. Thank you, Ivy."

If you would like further information on this blog or to discuss any conditions you would like to be treated, please do not hesitate to contact me via email

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