Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for secondary infertility due to severe Endometriosis
Patient in her early 40s had been struggling to conceive naturally. The clinical diagnosis was severe Endometriosis and adhesion. Due to the location of the issue, surgery was not an option.
Patient often experienced severe period pain, passing large blood clots, poor quality of sleep and weak digestion. Acupuncture, acupressure and Chinese herbal medicine were offered to the patient which over time eliminated her signs and symptoms. Patient conceived naturally after two years.
Below are tongue pictures taken before and at the end of the treatments which demonstrated how treatments had improved her overall health.
Tongue photos at the first session: scarlet red tongue body with deep teeth marks and swollen edges
Under tongue showed fully extended thick sublingual veins
Tongue pictures taken at the last session: healthy pink tongue body with good coating and even shape,